by Traci Paige Johnson
It’s a tough time for older siblings when a new little one comes into the household. Here are some creative ideas to make the transition easier.
Give your older child a fancy job title, so he feels like an important part of the
baby’s life. He can be the Golden Helper, the #1 Baby Assistant, or even the Chief
Sibling Officer. Make him a badge and give him a few age-appropriate tasks that
will be his special responsibility Ile might he able to remind guests to wash their
hands, bring a fresh diaper to you, or help burp the baby.
Have the new big sib star in a “Welcome Home” movie. She can give the new baby
a tour of the house, introduce people, pets, and stuffed animals, and show off the
fun things they’ll do together someday. Your new baby may not see it for awhile,
but you and your older child will love watching it until then.
Let the big sibling make up or pick the signature lullaby that you’ll always sing to
the baby at bedtime. Help him remember some of his old lullabies by singing them
together—or just let him pick his current favorite, even if it’s the theme from a TV
show. If you hum it slowly, it’ll still work as a lullaby!
Some of Traci’s articles on Yummico.com originally appeared in Kiwi magazine. Yummiloo loves Kiwi!